NUGDS Khammam Division Team , Telangana Circle met Smt.Renukha Chowadary , Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha ).

Our NUGDS Khammam Division team met Smt.Renukha Chowadary , Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha ) on 22.01.2018 and conveyed gratitude towards her intervention in implementation process of GDS Pay Committee Report.

The Delegation also  requested the Hon'ble MP to take intiation for  amendment of the GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules, 2011 particularly Rule 3A(i).

Rule 3 A (i) clearly mention no GDS perform their dutied beyond 5 hours.

Delegation explained the RICT& IPPB structure and GDS are the only outlets for these Banking& Direct Benifit Schemes.

Hon'ble MP assured to take up this issue as a policy matter and will do needful to all GDS.

Sivaji Vasireddy
Circle Secretary, AP Circle
Asst.G/S CHQ
NUGDS Khammam Division Team , Telangana Circle met Smt.Renukha Chowadary , Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha ). NUGDS Khammam Division Team , Telangana Circle met Smt.Renukha Chowadary , Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha ). Reviewed by National Association of Postal Employees Group 'C' Purulia Division, Purulia- 723101 on January 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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