Fraudulent activity noticed at Department of Post Cash on Delivery service.

Fraudulent activity noticed at Department of Post Cash on Delivery service

Please go thought a below link, published in Times of India regarding many fraud companies misuse Departmental Cash on Delivery service, and doing a fraud with Our potential customer and Department can not do anything for blocking of these many companies.

Please publish on webportal and also do something to blacklist of these Companies..

Approx. 32 companies from Delhi do this activity and earn approx. Rs. 4 Crore since last 90 days.

Got a call offering Samsung J7 for Rs 3,500? You may get a Feng Shui tortoise instead - Times of India -

The Time of India article is reproduced below:
AHMEDABAD: Bhavin Chavda a third Year B.Sc student from Kadi in Gujarat, received a call from an unknown number. He was told that he has won a lucky draw and thus the company is offering him Samsung J7 model handset for Rs 3,500. The market price of the phone is around Rs. 17,000. A lady named Nehal Sharma asked for Bhavin's address and Pin Code and said that he will receive a confirmation call within 2 days.

Bhavin says, "The way she talked to me over the call, I did not find anything fishy. I also received a confirmation call from the company and a parcel reached the post office too." However, Bhavin was shocked when he opened the box as what he received in place of the handset were plastic idols of Lakshmi and Ganesha.

But this was not an one off incident. In some cases, similar parcels have contained idols of Lakshmi and Feng Shui tortoises.

Darshan Desai, a businessman from Dhandhuka received a similar call from a man identifying himself as Vijay Sharma. He was told that the offer is genuine and he will receive the phone along with a guarantee card. Darshan was assured and he booked the phone. But to his luck, he was timely warned by his friend who was cheated by a similar call and thus he did not make payment at the post office and returned the parcel.

Sources from Kadi Post Office said that, "Everyday two to three customers are duped." The source said that similar cases have emerged from other post offices as well. "The companies ask the customers not to trust the post office staff. They tell them that if they do not collect their parcel on time, the post office staff will take it. So when we request the customers not to accept these parcels, they refuse to trust us and later on they regret." The customers receive frequent phone calls from the company until they collect their parcel from the post office.
Fraudulent activity noticed at Department of Post Cash on Delivery service. Fraudulent activity noticed at Department of Post Cash on Delivery service. Reviewed by National Association of Postal Employees Group 'C' Purulia Division, Purulia- 723101 on August 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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