Aadhaar Will Mandatory for Registration of Death From October 1..

Aadhaar Will  Mandatory for Registration of Death From October 1

WThe government has made Aadhaar number mandatory for the registration of death from October 1, to prevent identity fraud. 

The home ministry said today that it would be applicable for the residents of all states except Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and Meghalaya, for which a date would be notified separately. 

"The Aadhaar number will be required for the purpose of establishing the identity of the deceased for the purpose of death registration with effect from October 1," according to a notification issued by the home ministry. 

The office of the Registrar General, which functions under the home ministry, said the use of Aadhaar will result in ensuring accuracy of the details provided by the relatives or dependents or acquaintances of the deceased. 
Image result for adhar card

"It will provide an effective method to prevent identity fraud. It will also help in recording the identity of the deceased person. Further, it will obviate the need for producing multiple documents to prove the identity of the deceased person," it said. 

The Registrar General has directed all states and Union Territories to ensure compliance by the registration authorities concerned and send a confirmation on or before September 1. 

Anyone applying for death certificate is required to provide Aadhaar number or Enrolment ID Number (EID) of the deceased and other details as sought in the application. 

If the applicant is not aware of the Aadhaar number or EID of the deceased, he/she will be required to provide a certificate that the deceased person does not possess Aadhaar number to the best of his/her knowledge. 

Any false declaration given by the applicant will be treated as an offence as per the provisions of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and the Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969. 

The applicant's Aadhaar number will also be collected along with the Aadhaar number of the spouse or parents of the deceased. 

The office of the Registrar General is the central authority to coordinate and unify the activities of chief registrar of birth and death in states and Union Territories. 

Source:-The Economic Times
Aadhaar Will Mandatory for Registration of Death From October 1.. Aadhaar Will  Mandatory for Registration of Death From October 1.. Reviewed by National Association of Postal Employees Group 'C' Purulia Division, Purulia- 723101 on August 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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